Kursus ini dirangka untuk membolehkan pelajar memahami interaksi timbal balik antara persekitaran fizikal, organisasi sosial dan tingkah laku sosial. Ia dibahagikan kepada tiga bahagian utama. Bahagian pertama membincangkan tentang konsep dan komponen ekosistem seperti biotik, abiotik dan budaya. Bahagian kedua, perbincangan ditumpukan kepada pendekatan teoritis seperti ekologi manusia, ekologi budaya dan teori risiko. Bahagian ketiga membincangkan isu yang berkaitan dengan hubungan masyarakat dengan alam sekitar seperti pertanian dan industri mapan, gerakan sosial, ekonomi, migrasi, pemanasan global dan globalisasi.

 This course is designed to enable students to understand the reciprocal interactions between the physical environment, social organization, and social behavior. The course is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the concept of ecosystem and its components such as biotic, abiotic and culture. The second part concentrates on theoritical approaches such as human ecology, cultural ecology and risk theory. The third part discusses some issues related to societal-environmental relations such as sustainable agriculture and industry, social movements, economy, migration, global warming and globalization.


Bradford, M. & A. Kent. 1994. Understanding human geography: people and their

changing environment. London: Oxford University Press.

Eriksen, T.N. 1995. Small places, large issues: an introduction to social and cultural

anthropology. London: Pluto Press.

Kent, A. & Bradford, M. 1981. Geografi manusia: teori-teori dan penggunaannya (terj.).

Kuala Lumpur: Fajar Bakti

Norton, W. 1996. Human geography. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Scupin, R. & DeCorse, C.R. 1998. Anthropology: a global perspective. 3rd Ed. New

Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Rujukan Tambahan;

GeorgeParkins Marsh & David Lowenthal.2013. Man and Nature. Washington: University of Washington Press.

Seyyed Hossein Nasr. 2015. Man and Nature; the spriritual crisis in modern man. Kazi Publication: United Kingdom

Karp Coplan. 2017. Live sustainability now : a low carbon vision of the good life. Columbia : Columbia University Press.