Kursus ini bertujuan memberi pengetahuan kepada pelajar tentang konsep asas makroekonomi yang meliputi pengukuran dan keseimbangan pendapatan negara, peranan bank pusat, bank perdagangan dan proses penciptaan kredit, pasaran wang dan penentuan kadar bunga, implikasi dasar fiskal dan monetari terhadap pendapatan negara, pengangguran dan inflasi, perdagangan antarabangsa, imbangan pembayaran serta pasaran pertukaran asing. Di akhir kursus, pelajar seharusnya dapat mengaitkan ilmu tersebut dengan isu ekonomi semasa dalam persekitaran global dan setempat.

This course aims to provide knowledge to the students about the basic concepts of macroeconomics which includes the measurement and equilibrium of national income, the role of the central bank, commercial banks and credit creation process, the money market and the determination of interest rates, fiscal and monetary policy implications on national income, unemployment and inflation, international trade, balance of payments and foreign exchange markets as well as globalization and economic growth. At the end of the course, students should be able to relate such knowledge with the current economic issues in the global and local environment.