Kursus ini membincangkan pengenalan kepada nanoteknologi. Perubahan sifat bahan seperti sifat elektronik, sifat magnet, sifat mekanik dan sifat optik bahan penebat, semikonduktor dan logam apabila menjadi kecil berskala nanometer turut dibincangkan. Selain daripada itu, kursus ini mengandungi kaedah penyediaan nanobahan samada melalui kaedah atas ke bawah atau bawah ke atas serta contoh-contoh penyediaan nanobahan dengan kaedah fizik (ablasi laser, ball mill , pemendapan plasma) dan kaedah kimia (sol-gel, pemendapan wap kimia, penempletan misel dan mikroemulsi, mekanokimia dan sonokimia). Pencirian nanobahan dengan kaedah AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy), Spektroskopi Raman, spektroskopi ultra lembayung-cahaya nampak (UV-Vis), TEM (transmission electron microscopy) , XPS (X-ray photo spectroscopy) dan beberapa kaedah lain dihuraikan. Potensi aplikasi dalam bidang nanoteknologi serta impaknya kepada masyarakat turut dibentangkan. Kursus ini juga membincangkan keunikan sifat bahan nano yang menjadikannya berbeza dengan bahan pukal. Pelajar akan diminta untuk membentang beberapa seminar untuk menghuraikan penemuan baru dalam nanoteknologi.
This course discusses the introduction to nanotechnology. Changes in the properties of materials such as electronic, magnetic, mechanical and optical properties of insulating materials, semiconductors and metals as it reduced to nanometer scale are also discussed. In addition, the course will include the method of preparing nanomaterials by top-down or bottom-up method and examples of nanomaterials preparation by physical methods (laser ablation, ball mill, plasma deposition) and chemical methods (sol-gel, chemical vapor deposition, missile and microemulsion, mechanochemical and sonochemistry). Characterization of nanomaterias using AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy), Raman Spectroscopy, UVVis spectroscopy, TEM (transmission electron microscopy), XPS (X-ray photo spectroscopy) and several other methods were also described. The potential applications in the field of nanotechnology as well as their impact on the society has also been explored. This course also discusses the unique properties of nanomaterials that make them different from bulk materials. Students will be asked to present in seminars to discuss new discoveries in nanotechnology.
Kursus ini membincangkan pengenalan kepada nanoteknologi. Perubahan sifat bahan seperti sifat elektronik, sifat magnet, sifat mekanik dan sifat optik bahan penebat, semikonduktor dan logam apabila menjadi kecil berskala nanometer turut dibincangkan. Selain daripada itu, kursus ini mengandungi kaedah penyediaan nanobahan samada melalui kaedah atas ke bawah atau bawah ke atas serta contoh-contoh penyediaan nanobahan dengan kaedah fizik (ablasi laser, ball mill , pemendapan plasma) dan kaedah kimia (sol-gel, pemendapan wap kimia, penempletan misel dan mikroemulsi, mekanokimia dan sonokimia). Pencirian nanobahan dengan kaedah AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy), Spektroskopi Raman, spektroskopi ultra lembayung-cahaya nampak (UV-Vis), TEM (transmission electron microscopy) , XPS (X-ray photo spectroscopy) dan beberapa kaedah lain dihuraikan. Potensi aplikasi dalam bidang nanoteknologi serta impaknya kepada masyarakat turut dibentangkan. Kursus ini juga membincangkan keunikan sifat bahan nano yang menjadikannya berbeza dengan bahan pukal. Pelajar akan diminta untuk membentang beberapa seminar untuk menghuraikan penemuan baru dalam nanoteknologi.
This course discusses the introduction to nanotechnology. Changes in the properties of materials such as electronic, magnetic, mechanical and optical properties of insulating materials, semiconductors and metals as it reduced to nanometer scale are also discussed. In addition, the course will include the method of preparing nanomaterials by top-down or bottom-up method and examples of nanomaterials preparation by physical methods (laser ablation, ball mill, plasma deposition) and chemical methods (sol-gel, chemical vapor deposition, missile and microemulsion, mechanochemical and sonochemistry). Characterization of nanomaterias using AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy), Raman Spectroscopy, UVVis spectroscopy, TEM (transmission electron microscopy), XPS (X-ray photo spectroscopy) and several other methods were also described. The potential applications in the field of nanotechnology as well as their impact on the society has also been explored. This course also discusses the unique properties of nanomaterials that make them different from bulk materials. Students will be asked to present in seminars to discuss new discoveries in nanotechnology.