Kursus Kursus ini adalah sebagai memenuhi syarat-syarat untuk mendapat ijazah sarjana (sains sosial) dalam bidang HubunganAntarabangsa & Pengajian Strategi. Seorang penyelia akademik akan dilantik pada semester pertama tahun pengajian akhir pelajar untuk membimbing pelajar mengenal pasti topik, membuat kertas cadangan penyelidikan dan seterusnya menjalankan penyelidikan itu sendiri. Topik dan skop penyelidikan adalah di atas kecenderungan pelajar. Para pelajar akan diminta untuk melakukan satu penyelidikan mendalam yang menunjukkan bahawa beliau berupaya mengaplikasikan teori dan konsep yang dipelajari selama ini. Tesis Sarjana akan dinilai berdasarkan kepada hujah dan logik yang disampaikan dan juga viva. Format dan teknik penulisan adalah berdasarkan kepada Gaya UKM.
This course is the most important element in the Master of Strategy. It requires students to plan before doing the research with the consultation of a supervisor appointed by the Programme to determine the topic, writing a research proposal and conducting the research. The topic and scope of the study are students’ owned interest. Students are advised to do an in-depth study in order to demonstrate that they are capable of applying their theoretical and conceptual knowledge that they have learned. The thesis is to be evaluated based on the arguments and students’ ability to write coherent scholarly prose. Students are also required to defend their findings during oral examination session which will be held at the end of the course. Paper presentation format must follow Gaya UKM.
This course is the most important element in the Master of Strategy. It requires students to plan before doing the research with the consultation of a supervisor appointed by the Programme to determine the topic, writing a research proposal and conducting the research. The topic and scope of the study are students’ owned interest. Students are advised to do an in-depth study in order to demonstrate that they are capable of applying their theoretical and conceptual knowledge that they have learned. The thesis is to be evaluated based on the arguments and students’ ability to write coherent scholarly prose. Students are also required to defend their findings during oral examination session which will be held at the end of the course. Paper presentation format must follow Gaya UKM.