Institut Penyelidikan Tenaga Suria


Kursus ini bertujuan memberikan latar belakang dan kaedah menjalankan sesebuah penyelidikan saintifik di peringkat sarjana. Tajuk-tajuk mengenai etika penyelidikan yang dibahas ialah prinsip-prinsip penyelidikan dan peranan penyelidik. Tajuk-tajuk mengenai pengurusan penyelidikan meliputi teknik pencarian maklumat secara manual dan atas talian, reka bentuk eksperimen, memproses, menganalisis dan merumuskan data, penyediaan usulan penyelidikan, teknik persembahan hasil penyelidikan secara lisan dan bertulis, dan pengenalan kepada kegiatan penyelidikan di Institut Penyelidikan Tenaga Suria (SERI), UKM. Aspek peraturan dan perundangan dibahas dalam tajuk harta intelek dan hartabenda intelek, aspek keselamatan di ruang bekerja, dan format menulis tesis mengikut gaya UKM. Sebilangan kuliah dan sesi perbincangan diperuntukkan untuk tajuk-tajuk yang lebih khusus. Penilaian kursus ini adalah berdasarkan kepada mutu usulan penyelidikan bertulis yang disediakan oleh pelajar dan pembentangan usulan tersebut di dalam seminar.


The course aims to provide the background and method of conducting a scientific research in Master level. The topics on research ethics discussed are the principles of research and the role of researchers. The topics on research management include manual and online information retrieval techniques, experimental design, processing, analysis and summarizing data, preparation of research proposals, oral and written research presentation techniques, and introduction to research activities at the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), UKM. Regulatory and legal aspects are covered in the title of intellectual property and intellectual properties, safety aspects in the work space, and the format of writing thesis in UKM style. Some lectures and discussion sessions are for more specific topics. The assessment of this course is based on the quality of written research proposals provided by the students and the presentation of the proposals in the seminar.

Matlamat kursus ini adalah untuk mendedahkan pelajar mengenai sel suria organik seperti sel suria terpeka (DSSC), sel suria perovskit (PSC), sel suria organic dan sel suria titik kuantum (QDCS). Pelajar akan didedahkan kepada 5 bahagian utama kursus ini yang saling berkait iaitu, (i) Bahan asas organik dan bukan organik untuk sel suria organik; (ii) Prinsip dan operasi sel suria organik; (iii) Proses fabrikasi sel dan panel suria organik; (iv) Kaedah pengukuran dan pencirian sel suria organik dan (v) Peningkatan prestasi peranti. Kursus ini dimulakan dengan pengenalan asas bahan kimia organik dan bukan organik, elektrokimia foto, dan prinsip pengoperasian semua jenis sel suria organik. Kemudian, pelajar akan didedahkan dengan proses mensintesis dan pemfabrikasian sel suria organik bermula daripada proses pengenapan filem nipis, substrat, pewarna, titik kuantum, perovskite dan bahan terkini lain yang berkaitan dengan sel suria. Pelajar juga akan didedahkan mengenai pengukuran dan pencirian sel dan modul suria seperti prestasi PV rating, pengukuran voltan berbanding semasa, ukuran responsiti spektrum dan kelayakan modul dan pensijilan. Seterusnya, kursus ini diakhiri dengan menjelaskan bagaimana untuk meningkatkan prestasi peranti seperti mekanisme yang berkaitan dengan kestabilan sel suria, pemilihan bahan dan penurunan sel suria. Peningkatan ini akan diterangkan selepas pelajar memahami teori asas dan proses fabrikasi sel-sel suria organik untuk memberikan lebih banyak pemahaman kepada para pelajar semasa proses sintesis, fabrikasi dan pencirian peranti. Pelajar diberi pendedahan melalui kuliah dan tugasan kumpulan.  Penilaian kursus ini adalah berdasarkan kepada kuiz, tugasan dan juga pembentangan kumpulan.

The goal of this course is to expose students to organic solar cells such as dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC), perovskite solar cell (PSC), Organic Solar Cell (OSC) and Quantum Dot Solar Cell (QDSC). Students will be exposed to five interrelated parts, namely, (i) Organic and in-organic materials for organic solar cells; (ii) Principles and operations of organic solar cells; (iii) The fabrication process of organic solar cells panels; (iv)Measurement and characterization methods of organic solar cells; and (v) Enhancement of device performance. This course begins with the introduction on the basic principle of material organic and in-organic chemistry, photo electrochemical, and the operating principle of all type of organic solar cells. Then, the students will be exposed to the synthesis and fabrication of organic solar cells originating from the depositing of thin films, substrates, dyes, quantum dots, perovskite, electrolyte and other advanced materials related to solar cells. The students will also be exposed on the measurement and characterizations of solar cells and modules such as rating PV performance, current versus voltage measurements, spectral responsivity measurement and module qualification and certification. Finally, this course will explain on how to enhance the device performance such as a mechanisms related to the stability of the solar cells, selection of material and degradation of solar cells. These enhancements will be explained after the students understand the basic theory and fabrication process of organic solar cells to provide more understanding to the students during the synthesis, fabrication and characterization of the devices. Students are given exposure through lectures and group assignments. Evaluation of this course is based on quizzes, assignments and group presentations.

Circular Economy in Energy Transition
The goal of this course is to expose students to circular economic concepts and strategies towards sustainability that can be adapted in an era of low -carbon energy transition. Students will be exposed to 3 main parts of this course that are interrelated namely: (i) Introduction to sustainability and natural capital. In this section, 3 dimensions of sustainability namely environmental, social and governance (ESG) as well as related factors will be discussed. The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) will also be linked to the circular economy. In this section, students will also be asked to identify the causes of waste or depletion of resources in the organization and suggest actions to reduce the causes of waste or depletion of resources; (ii) The concept of circular economy and explore various examples of business models based on circular economy. In this section, a comparison between linear and circular business characteristics will be discussed. An evaluation of the business model from the observation of the circular lens and the potential opportunities of using technologies that facilitate the adaptation of sustainability initiatives within the organization will be revealed. The AIDA concept to promote and integrate sustainability practices in the workplace was also introduced. Sustainability enablers in the circular economy will also be discussed such as IoT, investment impact, leadership and management commitment, infrastructure and government policy; (iii) Driving innovation through impactful solutions towards a circular economy. In this section, the focus is on sustainability and circulars as key drivers of innovation. Several cases of sustainable innovation, opportunities and strategies will be introduced. The RESOLVE framework will be used in this section to identify opportunities and sustainable innovation in the organization. In this section, the impact of investment on the perspectives of management, stakeholders and investors will be discussed and identified using the Investment Calculation Matrixs. The priority of sustainability initiatives will be determined based on the Non-Financial Matrix as well as the Investment Calculation Matrix. In this course, students are given exposure through lectures and group assignments. The evaluation of this course is based on quizzes, case study assignments and also presentations.







Kaedah Penyelidikan

(Research Methodology)







Tenaga Pengajar

Dr. Mohd Asri bin Mat Teridi

Dr. Puvaneswaran Chelvanathan

Dr. Hasila Jarimi

Dr. Halim Razali



Untuk memenuhi pengetahuan lanjutan berkaitan; (i) etika penyelidikan; (ii) Pengurusan penyelidikan; (iii) peraturan dan perundangan; (iv) aspek keselamatan; dan (v) format menulis tesis gaya UKM.

To fulfill an advance knowledge on: (i) research ethics; (ii) research management; (iii) Regulatory and legal aspects; (iv) safety aspects; and (v) the format of writing thesis in UKM style.  



Semester 1 dan Semester 2






Untuk mendedahkan pelajar Doktor Falsafah mengenai latar belakang dan kaedah menjalankan sesebuah penyelidikan saintifik.

To expose Doctor of philosophy students on the background and method of conducting a scientific research.



Setelah mengikuti kursus ini, pelajar akan:

At the end of the course, students will be able to:


1.   Berkemampuan mempamerkan kefahaman mengenai rekabentuk eksperimen dan pengurusan data.

Ability to demonstrate an understanding of the experimental design and data management.

2.      Berkemampuan untuk membangun dan mengekalkan jaringan kerjasama dengan penyelia, rakan penyelidik lain dan dan komuniti penyelidikan institusi lain dari seluruh dunia

Ability to develop and maintain collaborative networks with supervisors, other research partners and other institutional research communities from around world

3.   Berkemampuan mempamerkan kefahaman mengenai peranan penyelidik, etika penyelidikan dan penerbitan. 

Ability to demonstrate an understanding of the role of researcher, research and publication ethics

4.   Berkemampuan menghasilkan kertas cadangan penyelidikan.

Ability to produce research proposal.

5.   Berkemampuan untuk menerangkan dan menjalankan penyelidikan yang boleh dieksploitasi untuk harta intelektual dan pengkomersialan

Ability to explain and conduct research that can be exploited for intellectual property and commercialization.




Kursus ini bertujuan memberikan latar belakang dan kaedah menjalankan sesebuah penyelidikan saintifik di peringkat doktor falsafah. Tajuk-tajuk mengenai etika penyelidikan yang dibahas ialah prinsip-prinsip penyelidikan dan peranan penyelidik. Tajuk-tajuk mengenai pengurusan penyelidikan meliputi teknik pencarian maklumat secara manual dan atas talian, reka bentuk eksperimen, memproses, menganalisis dan merumuskan data, penyediaan usulan penyelidikan, teknik persembahan hasil penyelidikan secara lisan dan bertulis, dan pengenalan kepada kegiatan penyelidikan di Institut Penyelidikan Tenaga Suria (SERI), UKM. Aspek peraturan dan perundangan dibahas dalam tajuk harta intelek dan hartabenda intelek, aspek keselamatan di ruang bekerja, dan format menulis tesis mengikut gaya UKM. Sebilangan kuliah dan sesi perbincangan diperuntukkan untuk tajuk-tajuk yang lebih khusus. Penilaian kursus ini adalah berdasarkan kepada mutu usulan penyelidikan bertulis yang disediakan oleh pelajar dan pembentangan usulan tersebut di dalam seminar.


The course aims to provide the background and method of conducting a scientific research in Doctor of philosophy level. The topics on research ethics discussed are the principles of research and the role of researchers. The topics on research management include manual and online information retrieval techniques, experimental design, processing, analysis and summarizing data, preparation of research proposals, oral and written research presentation techniques, and introduction to research activities at the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), UKM. Regulatory and legal aspects are covered in the title of intellectual property and intellectual properties, safety aspects in the work space, and the format of writing thesis in UKM style. Some lectures and discussion sessions are for more specific topics. The assessment of this course is based on the quality of written research proposals provided by the students and the presentation of the proposals in the seminar.




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